FCP Steel & Aluminum Deck Plating
FCP Steel & Aluminum Deck Plating – will not rust, easy spray cleaning, and when used with B Decking, creates a non-combustable deck.

Durable • Low Maintenance • Non-Combustable
Steel & Aluminum Deck Plating
FCP Steel & Aluminum Decl Plating – Mezzanine platforms, and stairs, often require durable aluminum or steel floor decking for ease of cleaning and safety. FCP offers both Tread-Brite (aluminum) or steel flat plate and diamond plating for safety grip. FCP steel mezzanine plating, more often than not, is installed directly to the mezzanine frame or over B Deck (steel corrugate) surface. The result is an extremely durable surface that is low maintenance and non-combustable.
Mezzanine Platform Steel & Aluminum Deck Plating
FCP Steel & Aluminum Deck Plating, for mezzanines, elevated platforms, catwalks, observation towers, and stairs, is an
extremely durable industrial flooring option that is slip resistant, corrosion resistant, hygienic, and protective. FCP offers both
Tread-Brite (aluminum) or steel plating options.
Creative Steel Structures
Proudly Made in America
Not sure about which deck option is best? Let one of our knowledgeable designers assist
you in designing a system that fulfills all your requirements.
FCP will design your mezzanine or elevated platform with the structural components and floor surface decking material that’s right for
your application requirements. Contact us today to start a conversation about your mezzanine platform project.
How can we help?
Call Us Today at 805-684-1117
Industrial Steel Mezzanines and Platform Structures – Proudly Made in USA Since 1982